Sagging Tester

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Sagging Tester

Sagging is considered a paint defect, particularly occuring on vertical surfaces, in edges and corners.

For example streaks or tear drops, perfectly describe its characteristic appearance.

It is not always possible, or only with difficulties, to measure this type of flow behavior by viscometers.

Simple comparison test of the sagging properties of paints in the period between application and drying one applicator to test sagging.

Corrosion resistant stainless steel construction.

Testing Procedure

Apply the coating, forming 10 streaks of various thicknesses.

Immediately after application, place the test panel into a vertical position,

with the thinnest film streak at the top, avoiding any shock

Depending on the sagging tendency the separate streaks converge

For a reproduction of the results, which is difficult anyway,

it is important to work under constant climatic conditions, to apply film streaks uniformly.

And to set a time for evaluation.


ASTM D 4400 Standard Test Method for Sag Resistance of Paints Using a Multinotch Applicator

Ordering & Techincal Specifications

Cat.No. Gap Clearance Gap Steps No.of Gaps
25221 50-275 μm 25 μm 10
25222 250-475 μm 25 μm 10
25223 450-1000 μm 50 μm 10

Comes complete with

Sagging Tester

Reuseable storage case

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